1917                     -born in New Rochelle, NY.   His parents were Jewish immigrants from Lithuania (part of the     Russian Empire at the time)

1931                     -graduated from New Rochelle High School at the age of 13

1931                     -applied for admission to Columbia University and was accepted.  (He ended up attending Brooklyn College because Columbia wanted him to wait a year before starting college.)      

1935                    -joined the socialist movement at the age of 18

1937                    -graduated from Brooklyn College with a degree in chemistry

1943-45              -wartime service in the U.S. Army in the Pacific as a communications specialist

1948                    -moved to Chicago to attend graduate school at the University of Chicago

1948                    -married Jennie Rosenberg

1949                    -received Master's degree in history from the University of Chicago

1949                    -spent time in Paris with Jennie, working on his doctoral dissertation    

1951                     -twin sons born -  Jack and Neal

1952                    -received high school teacher's license from the Chicago Board of Education

1953                    -started teaching history at DuSable High School on Chicago's south side

1954                    -moved from Hyde Park to South Shore   (73rd and Yates Avenue)

1954                    -third son born - Paul

1955 (?)               -cofounded the Teachers Action Caucus (TAC) to help revitalize the Chicago Teachers Union

1958                    -co-founded the annual Chicago Debs Day Dinner

1960/1                 -Rainbow Beach integration effort

1961                     -participated in the Freedom Rides

1962                    -became Department Chair for Social Studies at DuSable High School

1963                   -attended the March on Washington

1966                   -became High School Vice-President for the Chicago Teachers Union  

1966                   -joined IVI/IPO State Board

1966                   -joined the national board of Americans for Democratic Action (ADA)

1967                   -started teaching history at Loop (now Harold Washington) College

1970                   -ran for State Senator

1970                   -became chapter chairman of the Loop College branch of the Cook County College Teachers Union, a post he held until 1986

1972                   -alternate delegate - Democratic National Convention

1972                   -moved to an apartment on South Shore Drive, where he and Jennie lived for the rest of their lives

1982                  -became State Chairman of IVI-IPO (until 1984)

1983                  -active in Harold Washington's mayoral campaign

1984                  -alternate delegate - Democratic National Convention

1987                  -retired from full-time teaching (against his will, due to legal requirements)

1988                 -delegate for Jesse Jackson at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta

1988                 -received the Thomas-Debs award at the 30th annual Thomas-Debs Day Dinner

1996                -helped Obama in his first State Senator campaign, including obtaining the endorsement of IVI-IPO

1998                -died of pancreatic cancer on March 13, 1998